About Me

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I reside in Cleveland with my 2 sons, 2 dogs, 2 cats and some fish...all were rescued from unfit living conditions. Just the pets ..not the kids.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A CONTEST:The view of Ann Coulter on "The View"

Set aside that I suspect Ann Coulter cannot have children because she was,... well, a man. (I swear I can see an Adam's apple) Her opinion of single mothers ignited a real fire on "The View". Whoopi, SHerri and Joy had plenty to say in defense of us moms. Although, that isn't what I found humorous, Elizabeth looks elated that she isn't the one being attacked!

Read more here and watch the video.

Let's have a "fill in the bubble" contest. What is Elizabeth thinking? Come up with your best ...who knows if you make me laugh, you may get a PRIZE!

I'll start...

"Kick ass...at least it's not me this time."